Salfeld Child Control 2013 13.555.0.0
Salfeld Child Control Program ini dirancang bagi orang tua yang ingin memiliki anak mereka menghabiskan lebih sedikit waktu di depan komputer, serta untuk menyaring beberapa halaman web browser dan konten.dan menetapkan batas waktu pada komputer Anda atau proteksi password. Program konfigurasi cukup fleksibel dan dilakukan dalam beberapa langkah.
Give children an “allowance” of time
Child Control keeps track of the time your kids spend in front of the computer. Once their time is up, the computer automatically shuts down and won’t start up again—something any kid can understand. Our experience has shown that Child Control verdict is accepted without arguments—there is no debate and no discussion. Another way of looking at it: “Child Control gives your kids back time that they are then free to spend in other ways.”
Child Control keeps track of the time your kids spend in front of the computer. Once their time is up, the computer automatically shuts down and won’t start up again—something any kid can understand. Our experience has shown that Child Control verdict is accepted without arguments—there is no debate and no discussion. Another way of looking at it: “Child Control gives your kids back time that they are then free to spend in other ways.”